General Meetings
SPC holds at least 8 general monthly meetings every school year. The purpose of these meetings is to provide a forum for each school community’s parent voice through its SPC Representatives. Additionally, we provide educational programming relevant to the entire district community at each general meeting. Meetings take place in Rooms A&B at Mohave District Annex, 8500 E Jackrabbit Road, Scottsdale, 85250.
Special Events
In addition to the programming at general meetings, our committees work to provide additional programming and events focusing on more specific issues affecting our SUSD educational community.
Upcoming General Meetings and Special Events
- February 19, 2025: General Meeting, K-12 Statewide Assessments (6-7:30 pm @ MDA)
- March 4, 2025: PTO Roundtable (6-7:30 pm @ MDA)
- March 19, 2025: General Meeting, Drug Use in Schools (panel discussion) (9-10:30 am @ MDA)
- March 27, 2025: Special Event, Teen Driver Safety (6-7:30 pm @ MDA)
- April 16, 2025: General Meeting, AI in the Classroom (6-7:30 pm @ MDA)
- May 14, 2025: General Meeting, Marketing & Communications (9-10:30 am @ MDA)
Previous Meetings & Special Events
Didn’t make it to a meeting or event? We have you covered.
- January 22, 2025: General Meeting, Legislative Update (VIDEO) (Presentation PDF) (Follow-up to questions asked by parents)
- Presentation PDF is from Alexis Susdorf, State48 Public Affairs, and includes links to cited bills
- November 20, 2024: General Meeting, Bullying (VIDEO)
- October 23, 2024: General Meeting, School Safety (VIDEO)
- September 18, 2024: General Meeting, College Planning (VIDEO)
- August 21, 2024: General Meeting, Blue Zone School Certification (VIDEO)
- Please note that audio did not work until about 26 minutes into the livestream.
- May 15, 2024: General Meeting, Summer Engagement (VIDEO)
- April 17, 2024: Sister Schools (VIDEO)
- March 20, 2024: Parent Volunteering (VIDEO)
- February 21, 2024: 2024 Legislative Budget and Bills Update (VIDEO)
- January 17, 2024: Curriculum Adoption (VIDEO)
- Please note that the livestream/recording started late for this meeting.
- December 20, 2023: Student Mental Health (VIDEO)
- November 15, 2023: School Safety (VIDEO)
- October 18, 2023: Student Code of Conduct (VIDEO)
- September 20, 2023: SUSD Nutrition Services (VIDEO)
- August 23, 2023: M&O Override (VIDEO)
- May 17, 2023: School Celebrations (VIDEO)(PRESENTATION)
- Image on Kiva slide links to a video
- April 19, 2023: Information Technology (VIDEO) (PRESENTATION)
- March 22, 2023: SRO and Crisis Canine Programs (VIDEO) (PRESENTATION)
- February 15, 2023: SUSD Governing Board (VIDEO) (PRESENTATION)
- January 18, 2023: Community Specialists (VIDEO) (PRESENTATION)
- December 7, 2022: NBCTs (VIDEO) (PRESENTATION)
- November 16, 2022: Communications (VIDEO) (PRESENTATION)
- October 19, 2022: Social Workers (VIDEO) (presentation visible in video recording)
- September 21, 2022: SUSD Finance and the Override (VIDEO) (PRESENTATION)
- August 17, 2022: General Meeting (VIDEO) (PRESENTATION)
- May 18, 2022: General Meeting (VIDEO) (PRESENTATION)
- April 20, 2022: General Meeting (VIDEO) (PRESENTATION)
- March 9, 2022: General Meeting (VIDEO) (PRESENTATION)
- March 9, 2022: Special Event, Exploring the Misinformation Landscape (PRESENTATION)
- February 16, 2022: General Meeting (VIDEO) (PRESENTATION)
- January 12, 2022: General Meeting (VIDEO) (PRESENTATION)
- December 8, 2021: General Meeting (VIDEO) (PRESENTATION)
- November 17, 2021: General Meeting (VIDEO) (PRESENTATION)
- October 20, 2021: General Meeting (VIDEO) (PRESENTATION)
- September 15, 2021: General Meeting (VIDEO) (PRESENTATION)
- August 18, 2021: General Meeting
- May 12, 2021: General Meeting (SUSD Summer Learning Opportunities Presentation)
- April 21, 2021: General Meeting (SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS PRESENTATION)
- March 17, 2021: General Meeting
- February 17, 2021: General Meeting
- January 20, 2021: General Meeting
- December 16, 2020: General Meeting (Internet Safety for Parents: Cyber-Bullying, Sexting, Online Predators, and More) (PRESENTATION)
- November 19, 2020: General Meeting
- October 21, 2020: General Meeting
- September 16, 2020: General Meeting
- August 20, 2020: General Meeting
- April 15, 2020: General Meeting: Real Tips for Family Communication
- April 8, 2020 Special Event: PTO Roundtable
- March 4, 2020: Let’s Talk Safety: A Focus on Prevention
- February 12, 2020: Student Nutrition
- January 15, 2020: Student Mental Health
- December 11, 2019: Community Service Learning
- November 13, 2019: Differentiated Learning in SUSD
- October 2, 2019: Prevent Bullying
- September 24, 2019: Special Event: Gifted Education
- September 11, 2o19: SUSD 101: Governance & Funding
- August 14, 2019: Unity Through Diversity