Executive Board

Executive Board Descriptions & Responsibilities

(Descripciones y responsabilidades de la junta ejecutiva)

The Executive Board consists of the following positions: President, Secretary, Treasurer, VP of Outreach, VP of SPC Representatives, VP of Communications, VP of  Programming, VP of Advocacy.  All positions, with the exception of President and Treasurer can be filled by two people.  VPs can form and oversee a committee of volunteers to assist them. Descriptions of each position include:


  • Kimberlee McClure, president at scottsdaleparentcouncil dot org

The President is the Chief Executive Officer of SPC and shall preside at all meetings of the members and Executive Board. The President may represent SPC at meetings outside the organization or assign a designee as such. The President shall also perform such other duties as assigned by SPC or by the Executive Board; and shall coordinate the work of the Officers and committees of SPC, in order that the purposes and policies of the organization are promoted.

Responsibilities include:

  • Preside over all Executive Board meetings and General meetings
  • Oversee all members of the Executive Board
  • Interact with District leadership
  • Primary contact for the organization


  • Nazli Uludere Aragon, secretary at scottsdaleparentcouncil dot org

The Secretary shall serve as Parliamentarian and Historian of SPC. The Secretary shall record, submit for approval and publish the minutes of all the Executive Board and General Meetings; will preserve all records, books, documents, and communications of SPC and perform such other duties as assigned by the President or Executive Board. 

Responsibilities include:

  • Take minutes at all Executive Board meetings and General meetings
  • Work with President to create meeting schedules and agenda
  • Create “takeaways” for each general meeting


  • Liane Breckling, treasurer at scottsdaleparentcouncil dot org

The Treasurer oversees the finances of the Scottsdale Parent Council and is responsible for keeping full and accurate account of receipts in accordance with the budget adopted by the Executive Board.  The Treasurer shall present a financial report at each general meeting and prepare a written annual budget for Executive Committee approval at the first General Meeting. 

Responsibilities include:

  • Collect annual Member School donations
  • Maintain all financial operations
  • Filing renewals and documents with the ACC and/or IRS, as needed
  • Assist Secretary when needed
  • Maintain budget and provide the monthly budget report to the Executive Board

Vice President of Outreach


VPs of outreach are responsible for creating an inclusive climate by establishing and maintaining relationships with general members, community organizations and others.  The overarching goal of outreach is to develop, coordinate and learn about programs that provide community support within the framework of the SPC mission and purpose focusing on student success. 

Responsibilities of the Outreach committee include:

  • Serve to community organizations looking to collaborate with SPC
  • Work with the programming committee to provide feedback for potential programming
  • Work with the communications committee to ensure messaging reaches our target audience
  • Work with the advocacy committee to ensure all stakeholder voices are heard

Vice President of SPC Representatives

  • Vern Nicholas, representatives at scottsdaleparentcouncil dot org

VPs of SPC Representatives are responsible for establishing and maintaining relationships and partnerships with SPC Representatives (member school representatives)

Responsibilities include:

  • Reach out to the principal at each SUSD school to secure the appointment of two parents/guardians to serve as SPC Representatives. Assist with recruitment if necessary.
  • Provide an orientation to the SPC Reps about expectations and the tools available to them.
  • Attend SPC general meetings, greet attendees and maintain attendance records
  • Communicate to Reps with meeting reminders, marketing materials and summaries 
  • Point of contact to Reps for questions and concerns
  • Develop and maintain a toolkit for SPC representatives to best serve their school community
  • Regularly provide information regarding SPC activities to SPC representatives to be shared with their community 
  • Request SPC representatives submit concerns and feedback to be addressed at general meetings

Vice President(s) of Communications

  •  Brad Duell,  communications at scottsdaleparentcouncil dot org

The VPs of Communications are responsible for updating and monitoring SPC’s communications policies, social networking accounts, and parent discussion groups, as well as recommending new ways for the SPC to communicate with its members and other interested parties through alternative media. They are also  responsible for regularly updating and marketing information about SPC activities, SPC Meetings, outreach, and news updates.

Responsibilities include: 

  • Create marketing graphics and flyers for all SPC activities
  • Promote SPC events, as well as SUSD and community events that support our mission
  • Maintain SPC social media accounts and facilitate online discussion groups
  • Compile information and draft the monthly SPC email newsletter (The Post) and upload to the website
  • Maintain the SPC website with up-to-date information
  • Upload board documents to the website
  • Manage internal communications 

Vice President(s) of Programming

  • Andrea Augustine,  programming at scottsdaleparentcouncil dot org

The VPs of Programming are responsible for the overall coordination of the content of programs for the monthly general meetings. 

Responsibilities include: 

  • Securing the required facilities, equipment and support for general meetings
  • Working with executive board members to ensure that a cohesive theme for the programming is developed, the general programming is districtwide in scope and aligned with the mission and purpose of SPC.
  • Identifying presenters for each meeting,  Ensuring that the topics and speakers are appropriate and provide an overall flow between topics.
  • Provide the communications committee with speaker biographical information and meeting themes to create marketing materials
  • Follow-up with presenters after the meeting as needed

Vice President(s) of Advocacy

  • Lisa Kanarish, advocacy at scottsdaleparentcouncil dot org

The VPs of Advocacy are nonpartisan.  They are responsible for identifying legislative and public policy priorities which further the mission and purpose of SPC. The VPs of Advocacy committee is responsible for working with the SPC membership to develop a position on legislative and other issues affecting student success.  

Responsibilities include:

  • Reviewing and analyzing current advocacy strategies to determine effectiveness and potential
  • Providing input for the programming to make sure stakeholders are properly informed about legislation and public policy affecting student success
  • Working with the communications committee to ensure information reaches our stakeholders.  
  • Identify and utilize partnerships with other organizations that will help support our members and schools
  • Facilitate nonpartisan events to inform and educate voters on issues affecting SUSD students and stakeholders
  • Remaining within the threshold limits for advocacy per IRS 501c3.