Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is Scottsdale Parent Council?
Scottsdale Parent Council, Inc. is a nonpartisan, nonsectarian Arizona nonprofit corporation founded solely for the charitable purpose to advance the welfare and education of all students in SUSD.
Q. How does SPC support all SUSD students?
Through our mission. We believe uniting our SUSD educational communities through communication, programming, outreach, and advocacy advances our purpose.
Q. What is SPC’s relationship to SUSD?
Scottsdale Parent Council is a separate legal entity with its own tax identification number and insurance. SPC is autonomous from Scottsdale Unified School District. SUSD recognizes SPC as a support organization and, as such, works with us to advance our purpose and mission. SPC is NOT a site council and does not make district policy, nor choose curriculum for SUSD schools. Further, we are not employees of SUSD.
SPC is managed by an elected board, the Executive Board, serving as officers of the organization. At any given time there can be anywhere from 5 to 10 officers depending on the needs of the organization. The Executive Board accomplishes its work through board committees. Committees can either be standing (permanent) or special (limited purpose).
SPC’s voting body consists of SPC Representatives: 2 representatives from every school in SUSD. Read more about SPC Representatives here.
Q. How long has SPC been around?
Scottsdale Parent Council (SPC) has been a valued organization working alongside, yet autonomously from, Scottsdale Unified School District since 1977. SPC was formed to advocate for the educational needs of all students in our large and diverse district. We are a nonpartisan, nonsectarian Arizona nonprofit corporation.
Board Documents
We value transparency and integrity. It is our intention to make every document we produce in the course of business available to the public. The reality of being a volunteer-driven organization is that our website is not always as current as we would like. If there is a document you would like to see and it has not yet been uploaded to our website, please email We will do our best to make our records available for reasonable requests. Find our board documents here.
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