Here are takeaways from the January General Meeting with Francine Sumner of Kid in the Corner. We look forward to seeing you at the February 12th General Meeting @ 9:30 AM where we will focus on student physical wellness with a panel of experts.
Committee Announcements
Advocacy: The 2020 AZ Legislative session has begun. Get engaged by contacting your representatives (
Communications: Connect with other SPC members in Slack. Join the conversations about upcoming meetings and committee activities. Learn about Slack HERE and connect to SPC HERE
Join a committee! Get involved in one of the SPC special committees (Bullying, Special Education, and Equity and Inclusion) or standing committees (Communications, Advocacy, Outreach, and Programming). To learn more and/or signup for a committee HERE
Dr. Kriekard Announcements:
- Hanover Study Results showed vast majority of parents, staff, and community members believe district is moving in the right direction. The results from the social emotional component of the survey showed discrepancies in the reported rates of bullying according to students, parents, and staff, emphasizing the need to continue to provide social emotional support and bully prevention.
- The search for the next superintendent is underway. At the Jan 30th governing board meeting, all candidates who have passed the first round will be presented. The district is forming six different interview committees representing different stakeholders, (1) SUSD governing board (2) community members and parents to be chaired by Lara Palles, SPC President (3) principals and administrators (4) teachers to be chaired by Kris Ambri, SEA President (5) classified staff and (6) Student Advisory Board which will assemble a team made up of two students from each high school. Final round superintendent candidates will undergo interviews by each of these committees on Feb 21st, 2020.
Francine Sumner, President and Founder of Kid in the Corner. Kid in the Corner’s mission is “to support the kid in the corner, whomever that may be, and to shatter the stigma around mental illness.”
Please see takeaways from her presentation HERE
Meeting Documents